8 Perfect Side Hustles For Nurses To Make $2,000/Month Or More!

You’re a nurse because you love helping people. 

That’s why you’re willing to deal with bodily fluids, cranky people, and the occasional drama between coworkers. 

Because people need your help, and that’s a rewarding feeling!


Now it’s time to help yourself. 

You’re probably here because while you might like the work, let’s face it, nursing can be stressful and there’s so much life to be lived. From starting a family, to traveling with your significant other, you have a bucket list of stuff you want to do and you need the income to do them.

If that’s the case then you’re in the right place. 

My goal is to give you some awesome ideas to help you build an extra income source. I know your schedule is stressful – you don’t have a “white collar” job like your marketing or finance friends – but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible.

Whether you want to pay down student loan debt or save up for early retirement, you can build a legit (and successful) side hustle.

Here are the 8 incredible side hustles for nurses that fit with your tight schedule, and still make great money.

Best Side Hustles For Nurses

Every side hustle in this list has been chosen based on two criteria: 

  1. It can be fit in a dynamic schedule like yours.
  2. It’s actually legit and makes money

With that said, here’s the full list…

Freelance Writing & Proofreading Side Hustle

You might not be familiar – but in 2018 the internet underwent a seismic shift because of Google. They release a new algorithm update called the Medic Update. 

It was one of the biggest algorithm updates since 2008. It was so impactful that it’s effects are still being felt by some very upset SEO specialists. 

What was the big deal? 

Well, the Medic Update basically eliminated any alternative health website from ranking for keyword terms on Google. In fact, it only allowed websites that conducted peer reviewed articles, with a long list of sources, to rank for any health related keywords. 

How do I know this?

Take a look at this graph below: 

This was a website I was working on which was in the alternative health space. At the height of building it, we were at nearly 100k visitors PER MONTH (more on this below). 

When the Medic Update happened, it essentially slapped our site into non-existence. 

Not fun…

Why should you care about the Medic Update?

Glad you asked! 

Because YOU have specialized knowledge which is highly sought after by websites in the health space. 

Don’t believe me? 

Take a look at this…

This woman (Alina Petre) is a boss! She is using her talents as a registered dietician to write and review health articles on the web. 

And I would be good money that she’s doing pretty well for herself considering there’s so many health articles and content (that’s often NOT accurately sourced or written) which needs improvement. 

In fact, there’s over 131M articles written on just the topic of caffeine…

You can easily use your talents as a nurse to write and proofread these articles. It perfectly aligns with your given skill set, and you’ll be making money.

You had to write when you were in school right? Why not get paid for it?

I searched for “health writer” on Upwork, and I found multiple people who have made well over $100k (usually within 2 years by the way) offering their services for health websites across the world. 

Plus, once you get good at the writing, you’ll be able to pump out an article a day at least. That means you’ll be making between $50-$150 in extra income PER DAY. 

How awesome would it feel to have an extra $2,000 or even $4,000 per month?

I know I get hyped, but there’s so much opportunity in this space, and that’s why I consider it to be my number 1 side hustle for nurses. 

Create A Medical Related Blog Side Hustle

With freelance writing you’re going to get paid to write upfront. The blogs and websites will pay you for the time you spent creating the content for them. 

Side note: always remember, content is expensive and burdensome to create. If you know how to create content, you’ll always have an income source!

That’s great and all for making money right now, but you should also be asking this question: “How do I make money passively?”

That’s why I recommend starting a healthcare blog related to the topics you’re most interested in. 

Look at this graph…

A majority of the blog niches that make the most money are almost all related to health and well being. 

What’s The Catch With A Blogging Side Hustle?

You won’t get paid immediately.

In fact, it can easily take a full year of creating and building your blog before you begin to see any return on investment. 

But here’s the good news.

The money you make from blogging can be incredible. 

I only know this because I’ve been building niche websites for a couple years now. Here’s a quick screenshot of one of them:

It took me a couple years to get the website to rank for keywords, but once it did, I had basically built the system to run on autopilot with only a few tweaks here and there. 

You can do the same thing with your expertise in health! 

Here’s a list of all the topics within the health space: 

  • Digestive health/healthy gut
  • Weight loss
  • Anti-aging
  • Diabetes
  • Arthritis
  • Back and neck pain
  • Hair loss
  • Skincare
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue
  • Reproductive health
  • Healthy eating

There’s so much more, but this can easily get you started. 

Just pick a topic, and really dive deep!

Part Time Work At IV Bars Side Hustle

You’ve probably seen IV vitamin therapy online before. Whether it’s getting promoted by Chrissy Teigen or Gweneth Paltro, it’s an awesome way to rehydrate after a night out, or if your skin is just looking blah.

I’m sure you (as a nurse) know better than anyone to the benefits of using an IV compared to oral supplements. You’re going to receive almost 100% absorption of the nutrients. 

With the rise of IV therapy, there’s also been a rise of part time nurses who are capable of properly administering the IV bag. 

I live in Austin, Texas and I found that here alone there are well over 20+ part time positions for a nurse to join and handle the IV bags and injections. 

There’s a huge market for this, and there’s no reason you would be able to break out on your own after you learn the business either!

Personal Health Coach Side Hustle

Did you know almost all major insurance companies hire a health coach to help patients with getting their body back in order?

I’ve found from a number of readers that this is often not shared to nurses, but it makes for such a perfect side hustle.


Because you’re already a natural advocate for getting healthy!

This is such a perfect way to earn extra money where you’ll get the chance to stand side-by-side with these patients and really dive deep into a plan that makes sense for them. There are so many people who need proper guidance, and it’s a fantastic starting point if you’re ever interested in breaking out on your own. 

You do need to get a certification in order for insurance companies to start referring you patients. However, given your expertise, it’s a relatively fast process.

The good news is once you get a couple clients under your belt, and you’re learning the ropes of handling patients in this manner, you can quickly expand to friends, family, or even total strangers to provide guidance. 

Typically a Certified Health Coach can charge between $500-$1500 depending on a couple factors (like experience and clientele). 

Another direction once you’re well versed in the space is to help other nurses become a nurse coach themselves. Now you’re just double dipping!

Online Etsy Shop Side Hustle

If you’re creative, and you love to craft, you’ll love this side hustle!

Etsy is a booming place for budding entrepreneurs and side hustlers looking to make a little extra income for their hand made goods. 

As a nurse – you’ll know better than anyone what other nurses, doctors, and surgeons need on a daily basis. 

Maybe it’s ID Badge Holders? 

Or it could be fun and creative pins on those badges?

The only limitation to your success on Etsy is your imagination.

And the market is growing, quickly…

In fact, the number of active buyers on Etsy is currently at over 46 million people. And it’s growing steadily every year. 

Most people already have a good idea about what they want to sell, but if you’re battling any uncertainty, here is a good list of questions to consider:

  • Do you want to sell a digital or physical product?
  • Are you a fan of creating in general?
  • Are you currently making something right now?
  • What are other successful Etsy shops selling right now?

Obviously those questions are rather general, but they’re good to ask because you’ll want to know if creating a product is something you can see yourself doing. 

It doesn’t matter if you’re into poetry, jewelry, painting, books, or even coffee mugs, almost anything can be personalized for an extra special touch. 

Even if you fail, try it out because you never know where it could lead to!

Immunization Side Hustle

This is more seasonal but it’s still a great opportunity for nurses to make a little extra cash. I’m sure you’re quite familiar with immunization clinics and when they’re usually present, but the opportunities can actually present themselves earlier too.

For example, retail companies, large corporations, and even churches will offer their community the chance to sign up for flu shots, where you would manage the sign up. 

You can easily make between $20-$40 per hour for the work. 

Medical Coding Side Hustle

Medical coders are tasked with a critical behind-the-scenes work to help keep the medical system running effectively. 

They’re tasked with guaranteeing patient data is logged accurately via the electronic health records. 

I’m sure you’re aware of all this, but did you know medical coding is expected to grow very quickly, actually at 8% over the next 5 years?

Because you already have a specialized degree (which is the hardest part of becoming a medical coder) you’ll be able to breeze through the certification materials. 

It’s awesome especially since you won’t need to interact with any patients, which means you can just hangout at your house and get the work done. 

Working part-time, you can expect between $1,500-$3,000 per month with only an additional 20 hours of work per week. 

You’re going to be tying your income to your time investment, but if you have a financial goal you’re trying to hit, it could be worth the effort!

First Aid Course Instructor

This is sort of related to the health coaching, but more specific to the medical field. 

As a first aid instructor you can become a tutor for new medical professionals, particularly EMT’s, firefighters, and police officers who need to get their necessary CPR certifications.

You can easily take a course from the Red Cross where you’ll get certified, and then you can teach a class or individuals. 

You can earn upwards of $2,000 per month by doing these courses part time on the weekends.

Executive Summary: Best Side Hustles For Nurses

As a nurse, you’ve already done the hard part of getting specialized knowledge. Now it’s time to monetize that knowledge in a way that’s not directly tied to your day-to-day gig. 

Hopefully these ideas have sparked you to take action. That’s the most important part. Take action right now on something you think can make a difference, and I promise you it will.

If you have any questions, leave a comment! 

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